Danny Griffin was born in Rochester, New York in 1936. He was raised inSouth Carolina and Florida. His father, grandfather, and uncle were all Baptist ministers. His father was a minister for almost 70 years. His motherwas a school teacher for over 50 years. He graduated from DuBose Academy in Zellwood, Florida. He continued his studies at Furman University inGreenville, South Carolina. He then attended Ouachita University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, graduating with a B.A. degree. He earned his M. Div.degree from Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky and graduated with his Th.D. from Trinity Seminary in Evansville, Indiana.
During the process of his education, Danny spoke in youth crusades and rallies for three years and served as a Minister of Youth at Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas. From there he moved to Louisville, Kentuckyto attend Seminary serving as Minister of Music and Youth at Melbourne Heights Baptist Church.
In his senior year of Seminary he became pastor of First Baptist Church ofElizabeth, Indiana. After graduating He became pastor of Elliott BaptistChurch of Camden, Arkansas. In 1962 he moved to Charlotte, North Carolina and became Pastor of Wilmount Baptist Church. During his ministry there, he began Beach Trips, a speciality youth ministry, Live A Long Time and Like It Club, a senior ministry, and developed the Agape Center, one of the first drug out reach and counseling programs in Charlotte in the late 1960’s.
In 1972 Dr. Herb Smith, Henry Lewis, Ray Mendenhall, Danny and fiftydedicated men and women, founded Carolina Christian Ministries, Inc.,which served as the parent organization of Carolina Christian Fellowship,Carolina Christian Child Development Center, and Carolina Christian DaySchool. Danny served as President of the Board and Pastor/Teacher of the Fellowship, Headmaster of the Day School until 1979.
In January of 1980 he moved to Magnolia, Arkansas to serve asPastor/Teacher of Immanuel Baptist Church. There he continued the BeachTrip Youth Ministry, began the Institute of Biblical Studies for university students, and began and directed the Tour America youth ministry. He became the guest speaker on the radio program, Power Line, went to India twice to teach pastors, and do village evangelism. He began taking youthyearly to Mexico for hands on mission ministry and discipleship. For asemester he taught psychology at Southern Arkansas University. Dannyviews his spiritual ministry as a pastor/teacher.
In August of 1989 after returning from India, he returned to Charlotte as President of Carolina Christian Ministries, Inc. and Pastor/Teacher of Carolina Community Church. In 2004 Danny and the Board of Directors determined it was time to sell the property on Freedom Drive that had housed the different ministries of Carolina Christian Ministries, Inc. since its inception in 1972. Another ministry purchased the property to continue it’s use to the glory of God.
In 2019 the ministry changed it's name to Team Jesus and moved its office to 4500 West NC10, Newton, North Carolina, 28658.
Danny is married to Diane and they have five grown children. Diane serves as business administrator for Carolina Christian Ministries, Inc., teaches a women’s Bible study and directs Women’s Anothering Ministry addressing women’s needs and issues.
Danny's hobbies are electronics, motorcycles, music, and writing. His personal ministry is Spiritual Maintenance, a ministry of discipleship through writing, teaching and one on one sharing of spiritual principles.
I am sure you may wonder who this person is sitting on your DIGITAL FRONT PORCH.
My mother and father were orphans and I never knew my grandparents. Dad was from NC and mom was born in Texas, my sister in Ohio, and me in NY. Grandad, an uncle, and dad were pastors. Michigan is the first place I remember as a child with a big house, big church building and snow. Then at 5 years old we moved to SC. From ages 5 to 13 we lived in 3 Mill Towns and 1 large city in SC. Then at 13 we moved to Belle Glade, Florida. Because we moved so much I was always the new kid from somewhere, an emotional gypsy with no connections.
Having no roots or tenure, I had to always prove myself. I had been a drummer in the school band in SC so the BGHS band allowed me quick acceptance. I loved the Belle Glade of the early 50s, it was my kind of place and life was fun. I soon drove a grocery truck and worked on a ranch. After two years my folks saw a need for more direction in my life. At 16 they enrolled me in Hampden DuBose Academy in central Florida, a boarding school of 200 kids, with a concern for academics and the Bible. A beautiful campus on a lake, with students from around the world. Also students like myself sent by parents, dealing with indifference and rebellion. Speakers from all over the world, loving teachers, Bible study, much patience and prayer helped me to change my understanding of God from religion to a personal Jesus relationship. I graduated in 1954.
After graduation came my college days, graduate schools and ministry living in SC, Arkansas,Texas, Kentucky, Indiana, and NC where I lived the longest. I learned to accept change and it's challenge, it's all I ever knew. I came to Charlotte, NC in the 1960s joining Wilmont Church with some wonderful people, who reached out to the city in an exciting way, including a school, drug program, scouts and an adult education program. After a few years we started Carolina Christian Day School and Fellowship to expand our outreach. In the early 1980s I moved to Magnolia, AR and we continued beach trips, tour America and mission ministries. I then returned to Charlotte, NC after 10 years serving with loving people in Magnolia Arkansas. While teaching pastors in India and much prayer I returned to Charlotte,NC hoping to finish my part of Carolina Christian Ministries commitment to evangelism and education. After seven years we began Grace Fellowship, a HOUSE CHURCH MINISTRY, an in your face dialogue ministry without sermons and lectures where we disciple people in how to read and study God's Word on their own.
We have seen God work wonders in many precious lives. I am honored to be on Facebook with you. Many of you I KNOW and others are only DIGITAL FRIENDS, part of a changing culture. Hopefully we will a FRIENDSHIP GROW. Most of us are on FACEBOOK as a common connection to a PERSON, a PLACE or EVENT that once touched our lives or by THE GRACE OF GOD.
First Baptist Church Salisbury NC with Renee Scheidt
Roger Hudson Memories of Wilmont Baptist Church.