This book is written by one who is a believer in Jesus Christ but thoroughly broken by agendas that didn’t work. The nonbeliever will find this book helpful.
Understanding God's Grace and applying it to daily life is not easy. We need to learn to daily depend on scripture, prayer and the Holy Spirit.
How to walk in this world as a believer-witness for Christ. This book is meant to help new believers as well as seasoned followers of Christ how to be an effective witness for Him.
This book is meant to encourage, strengthen, teach and bring focus to understanding and benefiting from God’s grace. The world of religion often develops a cosmetic, plastic piety in its followers. Understanding God’s grace reveals neediness rather than personal performance.
Danny personalizes his walk with the LORD and strives to answer the question, “Who are you really, pilgrim?"
In today’s “Christian” world we often hear, “This is what you need to do to be saved…” However, numerous churches in any town in America will say they have the truth when their doctrines differ greatly from each other. Which church’s teaching are we to believe?
We live in a world with religions of every flavor, offering life answers of every description! These religions introduce gods of every variety often declaring their god as the "One and Only."
In today’s “Christian” world we often hear, “This is what you need to do to be saved…” However, numerous churches in any town in America will say they have the truth when their doctrines differ greatly from each other.Which church’s teaching are we to believe? People are turned off by religion. The same phrases are used by each religious persuasion. The more religious our society gets, the less people are finding a true relationship with Christ.These are troubled times and our identity with Jesus Christ will be declared by who we are and how we live rather than by a list of do’s and don’ts or God talk. Author Danny Griffin demonstrates God’s love and grace to mankind through practical, shoe-leather, living in a broken world and broken lives. He is an encourager and builder of the faith which every believer should possess in their daily walk. Our walk should be about Jesus not Me-sus. Learn from Danny’s life lessons and practical teachings. You will find his book to be encouraging, uplifting and energizing as you seek to live with God’s blessings.
"This is an extremely powerful book, it really is. It is the Gospel from A to Z , quick and easy. Plain spoken and full of truth."
We live in a world with religions of every flavor, offering life answers of every description! These religions introduce gods of every variety often declaring their god as the "One and Only." Religion by its very nature demands a certain behavior usually defined by requirements and rituals. However, being CHURCH means answering questions and questioning answers. Church is a part of TEAM JESUS individually and personally facilitating others in searching the "Word of God"! The church building is the least important concern of the nature and character of God and His "called out people." We often build impressive Sunday facilities in the name of JESUS, who had no place to lay his head. The CHURCH exists to facilitate the clear teaching of the Scriptures. Real estate and buildings are only tools. We as believers are GOD'S House, not our buildings. Worship is a daily lifestyle 24/7 not a Sunday morning special. Discover what it truly means to worship and serve Christ. Danny Griffin is an encourager and teacher of practical godly living.
The fifth and final book of the “Dancing With…” series has arrived. Danny Griffin has masterfully covered sensitive issues gripping many Christians’ lives and families.In “Dancing With Broken Feet,” Danny dealt with the pain and pressures of marriage including divorce, remarriage, blended families and more. This book has been a tremendous help to many distressing over personal decisions.In “Dancing With A Broken World” Danny shared his wisdom and knowledge to wed biblical truth with practical living.Danny’s book “Dancing With Jesus In A Hurting World” has received raving reviews. It uplifts and encourages the true believer and follower of Christ to be God’s ambassadors in today’s culture and world.
Dr. Danny Griffin, in this fourth book of the series “Dancing With...,” brings meaning and definition to what grace truly is.
This book is meant to encourage, strengthen, teach and bring focus to understandingand benefiting from God’s grace. The world of religion often develops a cosmetic, plastic piety in its followers. Understanding God’s grace reveals neediness rather than personal performance.
“Grace is the ultimate power that God has chosen to give life for death, hope for failure,good for evil and virtue for depravity,” said author Dr. Danny Griffin, president of Carolina Christian Ministries. “Unfortunately, believers who humbly understand grace are often identified with those who concern themselves with human performance andappearance rather than God’s provision.”
Dr. Griffin uniquely uses the acrostic GRACE to explain and define:
In his third book of the “Dancing With…” series, Dr. Danny Griffin shares his knowledge of how to walk in this world as a believer-witness for Christ. It is meant to teach new believers as well as seasoned followers of Christ and how to be an effective witness for Him.
People are hurting everywhere and we as believers are called to “bear one another’s burdens.” Our lifestyle should reveal God’s love and grace at work in us.
“We are the church victorious in a hurting world, victimized by religions of many kinds,” said author Dr. Danny Griffin, president of Carolina Christian Ministries. “We, as believers, have a tendency to follow the line of least resistance. As a result, we have often chosen to use man's methods to do God's work.”
This is Dr. Danny Griffin's second book of the series "Dancing with..." which takes a different perspective from his first book, "Dancing with Broken Feet".
In "Dancing With A Broken World" he applies his knowledge from decades of walking with the Lord and weds Biblical truth with practical living.
Understanding God's Grace and applying it to daily life is not easy. Thus, we learn to daily depend on scripture, prayer and the Holy Spirit.
"Many of us were introduced somewhere in our faith journey with the idea that we must fight against our old selfish nature in order to grow in Grace. This religious idea is not the teaching of scripture but a concoction of those who think that sinful behavior and thinking can be overcome by fighting our selfish old nature and its desires. This is fruitless, leading us to a life of constant failure and little or no spiritual growth."
Join many who have been blessed by the ministry of Danny Griffin who live a joyous Christ-following life while living in a broken world.
This is Dr. Danny Griffin's second book of the series "Dancing with..." which takes a different perspective from his first book, "Dancing with Broken Feet".
In "Dancing With A Broken World" he applies his knowledge from decades of walking with the Lord and weds Biblical truth with practical living.
Understanding God's Grace and applying it to daily life is not easy. Thus, we learn to daily depend on scripture, prayer and the Holy Spirit.
This book is written by one who is a believer in Jesus Christ but thoroughly broken by agendas that didn’t work. The nonbeliever will find this book helpful, as all human experience is similar at many points. The believer will relish the understanding of the Father and His grace, which is our only hope. The single will get insight into the struggle of human realities common to us all. The married who are on their way in or out of a relationship will find themselves somewhere in the pages.
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